So Sunday morning, I will put my WT notes on here.  Then Monday morning, after morning worship, I will listen to the meeting and add my meeting notes to this same page.  So here is my WT notes.

***********************January 15th, 2014 WT  Page 7*************************

Worship Jehovah, the King of Eternity
1 Tim 1:17  To the King of honor and glory forever

Why are we drawn to Jehovah's way of ruling?

Ps. 103:8, 19... Jehovah is
  1. Mercy
  2. compassionate
  3. slow to anger
  4. abundant in loyal love
  5. his throne is firmly established in the heavens
  6. His kingship rules over everything
  7. He is also our heavenly Father

How has Jehovah always shown a loving interest in his human family?

he prepared  the earth as a beautiful, self-sustaining home for us that would become a global paradise.
Jehovah created us in his image, and lovingly provided us with instructions to benefit us without restricting our freedom.
he provided us with jobs such as caring for the earth, animals and teaching our children.
then when rebellion began, He promised a cure and protection until we can receive that cure.

What moves you to worship the King of eternity?

in spite of all that has happened, Jehovah never relinquished his sovereignty.  He remained in control.  He protected and cared for his loyal subjects.  He draws us to him.

Who's Values Do You Cherish?                 Bro. Cummins

One man wanted to try and climb the highest mountain in the world.  but why?  perhaps he thought he would achieve something great.
when we think about our own lives, don't we feel like we want to achieve something of real value?

How can we do this?
We will consider 2 areas, 
The values available in this world.
and the values available in the Bible.

This will allow us to step back and analyze ourselves.
what we are pursuing might not lead to long lasting benefits.

some want fame, some want to achieve something important, some want something different.

one man had saved $900,000 in his 401K... then he put all of it in ERON stock and lost every dime of it.
he pursued material wealth
Luke 12:16-20... the land of a rich man, produced well... where will i put them.. he had to build more ... 
he stored up for himself, but not toward God
God called him unreasonable. 

His life could end tomorrow, and of what value would that material stuff have then?

perhaps you don't have a ton of money, but your doing everything you can to hang onto what you have.. is it really any different than what the rich man was doing.
when problems happens, what is the first thing that happens, .. you work more and worship less.

so what will benefit us more.. God's values or Mans?

Solomon had more money, than.. some of the richest men today.  But Solomon had greater wisdom then any man alive.  Because his wisdom came from God.
Prov. 16:16... how much better to acquire wisdom than gold...
Even though he had money, he valued God given wisdom more than anything else.

1 Tim 6:17-19... instruct those who are rich.. not to be arrogant and not to put hope uncertain things..
what happens in this world.. the more you have the more you worry about loosing what you have.
18 says to work at good, generous, willing to share
this is what is going to give us happiness and satisfaction that we did something good.
someone is sick and you make them some soup.  it makes you feel really good
or how about teaching someone God's name, or the truth about those who have died 
doesn't it make you feel so good inside?

Does our life show we are building that find foundation now?
Do our actions show we are valuing God's guidance?

2 ways to develop
take in knowledge of Jehovah.
Prov 3:13... happy is the man that finds wisdom and acquires discernment

a boy gets a bike and wants to ride it, but dad says to wait, he has to learn how to balance first, he thought he knew how to ride a bike.  he had basic knowledge to ride that bike, without being taught first.
we may have knowledge of what the Bible says, but if we don't apply what we learn, if someone doesn't teach us, we can't have real wisdom.

by turning knowledge into wisdom, we are able to draw closer to Jehovah, and to be productive in service to him.

John 4:34... my food is to do that will that sent me...
he felt doing God's will was more important than food.

Our efforts make Jehovah proud and he blesses our efforts.
what ever goals we can achieve in this world, are futile

am i doing all I can in the ministry?  What can I do to accomplish more?  Because the more we do for Jehovah, the more value we will have in our lives and the more joy we will have.