
350 Harbor Dr.

Duluth, MN 

Welcome to my site

OBY... what is oby?  When Leon & I got married, I was trying to come up with a nickname for him.  I started to call him E O.  I dropped the first and last letters from his name and came up with EO.  Then years later a friend of mine said I should do the same, OBY.  She said it fit, as when she needs advise I was her OBY-1.  When I needed to come up with an email address, I used the words "Leon and Robyn" and that is where EO N OBY came from.

This picture was taken by me.  It was when I was down in Jamaica for Kelly's wedding. 

Welcome to my site.  I set this up a few years ago, to help me keep track of my days, weeks, months, years.  I struggle to retain memory, and this was one way I could keep tract of my progress and deterioration.  But mostly because I want to be able to look back on it to remind myself where I have been and where I want to be.

Please feel free to look through the site as often as you like.  My hope is perhaps you may find something here that is useful to you, even if it is only just amusing how nuts I really am.  (heehee)

I do want to warn you, my thoughts are not always clear and they don't always make sense.  If you find them confusing, welcome to my world.  

I also don't always get my words right and some days.

Also my spelling is often off, sometimes I have to retype my words 4 or 5 times. So be warned, I can be hard to follow, but if your willing to go on this journey with me, I thank you.  So don't forget to come back and visit my site.

One last thing, sometimes I vent my pains & frustrations... If I say something that offends or hurts, please know, I don't mean to, and well, the other problem is, I may vent, but by the next day I don't remember I said something so stupid.  So please know... I'm a mess and just trying to muddle my way through life to the degree I can.


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