This page is for things that remind me of what is to come... The Paradise

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning how to dance in the rain (or snow).

A single snowflake is so beautiful & unique yet so very fragile.  However, when snowflakes stick together, they are powerful. 

Stick close to the congregation, it is our only hope. 

Here I am..... send me! 

This was a cong talent show in Boring, OR.  I'm not saying Oregon is boring, but  the real name of the town is called Boring.  Some people might not like this, but I happen to think it was very creative. 

Jehovah gives such amazing beauty to the things he creates.  He doesn't have to, but He just wants to.

Another pic I took in Jamaica. 

One day I was looking at the  tinest flower, I could hardly  see it, but as I looked at it, I saw it had beautiful details.  Why would Jehovah put such detail on something so small.  "Love" must be the reason.  If He cares enough to put those tiny details on something we can hardly see, then how much does he care about us?

Leon took this on the family farm. 

Click on the photo grouping to see a larger picture.

Spring in the Netherlands.  I thought these we just so pretty, it makes me think of the paradise.  So I had to post them.


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