The Kingdom of God is Near      Tom Hegge

when you think of something being near, it is in reach, under one's nose.

the Kingdom really is near, so it is important that we live our lives so that it reflects we do believe the Kingdom is near.

if you want to live and serve Jehovah eternally... you must be advocates of the Kingdom.

not feeling good... just keep crying, so sick.   can't focus.

Jesus understood and told the Jews to repent.

we go in the ministry, we educate people who Jehovah God is, who Jesus is and the roll he plays in that Kingdom.  
we teach them what the Bible says, and they have to be the one's to change their lives to be in harmony with the Bible.

this fall, that Kingdom will have been established here 100 years.

Col 1:13 & 14... he transferred us...

So much noise today... they don't have the mute on at the Kingdom Hall, so we are hearing everyone who doesn't have their own "mute" on.   Someone stopped at a store.

Rev 11:15... the Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord... you have taken your great power and rule... the nations began to grow wrathful... we thank you Jehovah...

Ps 2:6.. I, myself have installed my king on all my Holy mountain...

2 kingdoms, one is of his Son and the other which was installed in 1914

on the fence, you are an opposiers  because the devil owns the fence.

luke 11:23... who ever is not on my side is against me...

Rev...  if you are lukewarm, you are vomited out of his mouth...

we used to think that the end was in 2 parts, but it has been corrected.

1)  proclamation of peace and security
2)  attack of Babylon the great
3)  attack Gods people
4)  war of Armageddon 
5)  devil and demons cast into the abyss

Zech 11:38... 

Jehovah is going to use the war of Armageddon as he did with the Red Sea, to crash down on his enemies.

Zech 4:12... their flesh will rot away... 

Matt 24:14
Matt 28:19&20
with imperfect, dying people, Jehovah has accomplished so much.  People are flocking in.  

Matt 24:42... keep on the watch... you do not know what day your Lord is coming... 

Jehovah's clock is clicking down, we just can't see the clock, but it is there.

Even though we are watching for it, it will still strike like a finger snap.  

when the great trib starts, that is when the door closes. so whatever we have done in our life, the judging will begin.

2 Pet 3:9... Jehovah is not slow... he is patient with you... he desires all to attain to repentance... 
we have time RIGHT now to make adjustments.

& 11&12... what sort of persons are you to be... awaiting and keeping close in mind that the kingdom is near... 

Luke 13:20 - 24... exert yourselves vigorously ...
it won't be easy, it will take blood sweat & tears, but we have the time now, because when that finger snaps, it will be too late.

This is to be a Memorial for you

Ex 12:14... This day must serve as a memorial for you, and you must celebrate it as a festival to Jehovah

What were the Israelites in Egypt to do in preparing for and celebrating the first Passover?
each household had to slaughter a sound male sheep or goat and splash some of it's blood on the doorpost and lintel of the house.  The family was to have a meal of roasted lamb, along with unleavened bread and herbs.  They had to stay in their home for the entire evening.

When would Jesus and the apostles have had the last Passover meal, and what happened later that day?  it would have been Nisan 13 that Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for the passover. then they partook of the Passover just after sunset of Nisan 14.  Right after the last valid Passover,  Jesus then instituted the Lord's evening meal.  Later, Jesus was arrested and tried.  He was then impaled and died on that same day.  He was buried just before the start of Nisan 15.

We can draw what important lessons from the accounts of the first Passover and the Exodus?  
  1. Jehovah could protect his worshippers.  
  2. Jehovah isn't some vague, abstract deity
  3. but a real living God who is interested in his people and 
  4. who acts in their behalf