WHOO HOO!!!  I reached my goal!!!  So for the service year, each month my goal is 10 hours, however I'm just not always well enough to do that.  So my goal is to make 100 hours for the service year.  My big goal is to make 120 hours.  Well, I have 2 months left of the service year, if I can get 10 hours each in July and August, I will have reached my high goal.  I am going to put a big push at the beginning of July, because I know after the D.C. I will be wiped out!  And being the D.C. is towards the end of the month, I will still be dragging at the beginning of August.  So I am going to try for 12 hours in July, then I will only need 8 in August.  

I was so excited to hear the cong average hours have gone up to 13.6.  That is just so awesome!!!!  So my goal for next year, is to increase my time. I would like to be close to the cong average.  I think I can do 12, that would be 4 hours a week.  
My low goal is 12 hours a month (4 hours a week)
My high goal is 14 hours a month (4 1/2 hours a week)

For the year, my low goal is 130 hours (which is 10.8 hours a month)
My high goal for the year is 170 hours (which is 14.2 hours a month)  

I'm making steady improvement. Last year my goal was 100 hours for the year, and I was just short of that.  So little by little I am working my way up.