We have 2 cats again.  2 years ago, our dear son with his keen eyes, spotted a little bundle of fluff.  Leon thought it was a bunny, but it turned out to be a tiny kitten that was 2 maybe 3 weeks old.  She was nearly froze to death, she couldn't even move.  Leon looked around and saw a mother cat in the woods but couldn't catch up to her.  Then checked around but no one had a cat with kittens.  So he brought her home.  Last year, she jumped out the window and was gone for 13 weeks.  She returned expecting a new liter. 

Then, about 2 months after we had her fixed, she jumped out the window again.  AUGH!  We thought we would never see her again.  But then, this past week, she was showing up every morning.  Teff ran out, walked over to the woods, and talked to her.  The next thing we knew, she was in her arms and back in the house.  We didn't know what to expect, but Latae is pleased to be back.  Not just back, but we showed her our new "cat door", she saw how to use it, and prefers to stay in.  She is one smart cat. 

One thing though, she is HUGE.  Her paws are huge and she is so muscular.  She looks like she is part panther.   She and "Button" still don't like each other.  They both did manage to sleep with Teff after about an hour of hissing at each other.  I've never seen two cats not get along for such a long period of time.  Maybe they never will, but one thing, I am glad for, is they both know there is no liter box, and they are both fine with that.  Our "cat door" works for them both.