I'm back.

well today I'm on the computer for a few extra minutes.  i'm seldom on it.  So I thought I would post something being it is has been so long.

so i have been sick... extra sick.  i had a bacterial infection and phenomena.. there was something else, but i forget what.  and then one day i had a really high fever, and the next day when i woke up my arm was broke out in these blister type rash.  looks like shingles.  i will go into urgent care tomorrow as my doc is on vacation.     

i'm still sleeping a lot.  still dealing with a lot of headaches.  horrible joint pain... whoa nelly the joint pain.  the C-Pap machine is working well for me.  I saw a kidney specialist and was put on some meds for my kidneys.  more meds... always more meds.

i got a haircut.  Steph cut it.  i hadn't had my hair cut, since right before Steph had moved to Washington.   Anyways, it was her first time taking on such a task, and i said, "just got for it"  and it think she did a good job.  but i am not used to the shorter length.  she thinks i'm  crazy as it is still a nice length.  


  after... ok, she was almost done with it. but still, 

what else

EO has been sick for the past week+  he got a bad flu bug.  along with Lauren.  Oh, Lauren is living with us, while Steph is living with Grandpa Bill.They switched places some time ago and it is working out well for them.  

Steph also got a job at the C.A.R.E clinic working in medical records.  so now both the girls work there.  Steph only has been there a month.  

well, EO and I are going to be grandparents.  Colton is married.  we will be meeting his wife in a couple weeks as they are about to move from Washington to lower MI where she is originally from.  I've been texting her and getting to know her little by little. She seems to be such a sweet girl.