i have been doing a lot of doctoring these days.  there is so much to update it is hard to know where to begin.  so i think i will go with doc apts.

saw my new nurse practitioner in Dec.  she arranged for me to see a whole bunch of other doctors.  First i saw my new internal med doc who works with my nurse pract. he also arranged for me to see docs.  He is nice btw, and so is Jen.

nexti saw a new gyno.  sthe cyst on my enlarged ovary is now 12 cm.  so they plan to remove it and maybe just do a hysterectomy since my bleeding and blood clot problems continue to be an issue for me.  on the 10 i will go in for a biopsy and then they will decide what they will do for the surgery.  well, so of, they never really know until they get in there.  but it doesn't look good, as the tissue from my uterus is growing into my abdomen. so i am praying there won't be an issue for no blood medical treatment. i don't know what i will have the main surgery, maybe March or April?  it is always a "hurry up and wait" kind of thing.

then there is my sleeping troubles.  I sleep constantly.  sometimes EO has to work really hard to wake me up.  I even fall asleep eating, so he has to stay by me to keep me chewing my food. why doesn't he just let me sleep and then i eat when i wake up?  because of all the meds i have to take and my diabetes.  yeah i have that now.  it isn't bad.  my numbers are only slightly elevated.  i don't have to test my blood sugars or anything, just take meds and avoid certain things.  what i have been doing for awhile anyways.  i've found donuts, pie, cake, cookies all give me a migraine and make me feel sick.  along with syrup and other high surgar stuff.

so back to the sleep issues.  so they will do a sleep study on me, because of the fact i stop breathing several times a night.  sometimes i wake up gasping for air.  and when i sleep in bed i have been thrashing around, so more and more i have been sleeping in my chair.  so i am gussing i will get a c-pac machine.

and thenwhen this stuff if figured out, they will investagate further my thyroid issues.  they have already increased the dose a couple weeks ago, but it is too soon to know if it will help.  

i had m ENT reduce the size of my cysts a few months ago, but i need to go back in and have him drain some more already.  sometimes it just happens like that.

i have been given even more meds for my stomach.  i had an upper endoscopy done and things aren't terrible just more of the same issues.  even though he increased my meds, it isn't really helping, so hwne i go in next, i will have to have more changes done.

so in one day i had three doc apts. by the time i got home i was in tears, it was just way too much for me.  so i won't be doing that again.  anyways, i just didn't feel like dealing iwth shaving my legs and i thought, hmmm, not one of these apts will need to look at my legs, so i'm not going to bother.  DUM DUM DUMMMM.  first apt, was my preop, they needed to do an EKG... which requires putting censors on my legs... my gross gross gross unshaven legs.  (it has been a few weeks since I shaved them, maybe a month)  EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!  i apologized to the nurse repeatedly.  i thought, i sure hope when my doc come in, she won't have to look at my legs... but sure enough, she did too. UGG!!!!!!  When i left, i thought, well at least the sleep doc and my thyroid doc don't need to look at my legs.  So off i went to my next apt  REally, no way would a sleep doc need to look at them... RIGHT?!  WRONG!!!!!   I hung my head in shame, but didn't say a word at he lifted my pant legs to feel if i had swelling in my legs.  SWELLING/SLEEP who knew there was a connection.  GRRRRRR!!!!!  So off to my last apt.  i was so glad i wouldn't have to go through the humiliation one last time.  As Lauren and I sat in the doc office waiting for him to come, i told her about no shaving and how so many have already had to touch my icky gross nasty hairy legs and that i was breathing better that my thyroid doc wouldn't be touching them.... i guess i jinked myself if you believe in such a thing because one of the first things he did was lifted my pants legs.... i shot a look to Lauren and we both did our best not to burst out laughing.  
So moral of the story.;.. always wear clean underware in case your in an accident and always shave your legs, because you never know who will want to touch them.... apparently everyone.